310 Oak Avenue Ferndale Randburg, Johannesburg
Call us for inquiry : 063 060 5252


What We do

All services include a 30 day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Knowing that a dependable expert you can trust is just a phone call or a click away is the greatest service we offer our clients. We support all your computer repair and IT-related needs, even contact with outside vendors, giving business-owners a single point of contact to resolve any problem, no matter what needs attention. We offer computer and networking services to residential and business customers. Service includes help with setup, troubleshooting, maintenance, training, computer repair, and general help across a wide variety of systems. Repair services can be performed onsite, in home or at your business location. True technology enthusiasts,our technicians are industry experts and take great pride in their work.
Laptop Repair
Laptop gone down? Don’t worry! Our qualified, friendly laptop repair technicians will bring it.
Desktop Repairs
Problem Desktop? We’ll solve it. We’re who you call when your desktop runs slow and your
Mac Repair
Our Mac repair service offers high-quality repairs and advice: without the premium price.
Hardware Updates
We will diagnose your issues, provide you with options and give you a price for FREE!
Data Backup and Recovery
We know data loss can be a very difficult experience. That’s why we want to make it easy
Malware and Virus Removal
Through years of experience we can remove the infestation without destroying your data.
Software Installation
There are all kinds of software in the market for each and every one of your needs. Installation and setup can be stressful.
Planning to set up a network in your home? we can set up a secure wireless network in your home that will allow you
Unable to work? Your computer freezes?

We’ll help you get back to work. Fast and Qualitatively.